
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Extreme Weather

When you think "Australia", what do you think of? Maybe kangaroos? Koalas? The Great Barrier Reef? Whatever it is, I would guess the image includes sunshine; yes? Me too!

Well, when we arrived in May, Sydney was in the last official month of autumn and the weather was perfect. The sun was shining and the days were in the high 60’s. As we headed into June the air turned a bit cooler, but the sun was still beaming. Then things changed.

It started to rain sometime in early June and it's still raining! According to my co-workers, this is one of the coldest winters anyone remembers. If you ask them when the rain will end, they don't know because they haven't had weather like this before. There was even frost! At 3.7°C (about 39°F), July 17th was the coldest day recorded in Sydney in 21 years!

Most of the country has been in a multi-year drought, so I really shouldn't be complaining. This is winter and we are from New England. Watching rain fall is always easier than shovelling 3 feet of snow. Plus, even though playground time has been limited, this has been a great opportunity to teach SPie to sing "rain rain go away".

On the positive side, August seems to be improving a bit. We've had at least one good day each weekend and some beautiful weekdays. This week there were a few days that rained for just half the day. This is good, but not ideal since everything is still wet. SPie had a quick swim in a big puddle during an outing on Wednesday. Fortunately Dad had her in a long raincoat, so only half the outfit needed to be changed.

I'm hoping August showers bring clear skies along with September flowers!

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